I am pleased to announce that Only Wright, a Topic Maps-based portal about the life and work of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, is up and running once again at http://www.onlywright.com. I created this site back in 2007 to demonstrate subject-centric portals based on Topic Maps technology during my presentation at the AToMS 2007 Conference in Kyoto. In 2008, I made significant refinements to the site to support demonstrations during another presentation that I made at the Topicmaps 2008 Conference in Oslo. For that same conference, I also developed a simplified version of the site to support Topic Maps training. Affectionately named SimpleWright, this simpler version of the site has also been restored and is available at http://simple.onlywright.com.
The Topic Maps-based version of Only Wright (based on the Ontopia Topic Maps software) was replaced with a static HTML page in late 2009 and SimpleWright was simply shut down. I apparently thought that the economy was bad in 2009 and that this warranted the shutdown of my production JEE server to save a monthly subscription fee. While it would be difficult to say that that the economy has improved in any meaningful way since 2009, apparently my spending priorities have changed. I have a new JEE server that is running the Ontopia software (version 5.3.0) and this has given me the opportunity to restore applications like Only Wright (and SimpleWright) to their former glory.
I have a number of research and development ideas that I would like to pursue with Only Wright in the future. Please visit the site to read my current list of ideas. I would very much enjoy hearing from potential collaborators.